Tutorial: Cluster Finding in Simulated Simons Observatory Maps

The examples/SOSims directory contains scripts for working with the simulated Simons Observatory maps made by the Map-Based Simulation Pipeline Working Group. More tools for handling the simulated maps may be available elsewhere, but here you should be able to find enough to get you going with running Nemo on them.

Making multi-component simulated maps

The map-based simulations are provided in HEALPix format, with one map for each component (CMB, CIB, tSZ, noise etc.) at each frequency. The combineComponentMaps.py script can be used to add these together. To use this, you will first have to download the needed simulation maps and edit healpixSimsDir in the script to point to the directory where these can be found. You can then simply run this script with:

python combineComponentMaps.py

As provided, this script will make combined maps at four frequencies (93, 145, 225, 280 GHz) featuring CMB, CIB, tSZ, and noise.

Making CAR projection maps

Nemo runs on FITS images that have a valid World Coordinate System (WCS) in the header. For Simons Observatory, these use the plate carrée (CAR) projection. However, the map-based simulations are currently provided in HEALPix format. The healpix2CAR.py script (a modified version of a script by Mathew Madhavacheril taken from the TILe-C package) can be used to re-project these to CAR. Look at the HEALPIX_TO_CAR.sh script to see examples of its use.

As one of its inputs, the healpix2CAR.py takes a plain-text file containing the desired output image header. This defines both the sky area and the pixel scale. There are a few examples provided:

  • template_small.txt: Corresponds to a subsection of the ACT D56 field.

  • template_E-D56.txt: Contains the full ACTPol E-D56 field footprint.

  • template_AdvACT.txt: The pixelization used for AdvACT maps. To use Nemo on very large maps (as in template_AdvACT.txt), you will need to set-up the configuration file to break the map into tiles (see below).

If you look at the HEALPIX_TO_CAR.sh script, you will see that it uses an option to add a small amount of additional white noise to the output CAR maps. This is currently being used to avoid the effect of ringing in the CAR maps (which arises because the HEALPix maps are lower resolution than the output CAR maps - when NSIDE = 8192 maps are available, this may not be a problem). With the additional white noise, the matched-filtered maps made by Nemo from these simulations look okay when viewed with, e.g., DS9.

Making beam files

Nemo understands beams given in a simple plain-text format, as used by ACT. For the map-based simulations, Gaussian beams are used with FHWM set according to the values given in Table 1 of the Simons Observatory: Science Goals and Forecasts paper. To generate the necessary beam files, run:


which in turn calls the makeGaussianBeam.py script.

Running Nemo on small maps

After running the above scripts, you should now have a directory that contains CAR-projected maps (e.g., TOnly_la093_CAR.fits, TOnly_la_093_small_CAR.fits, etc.) and beam files (e.g., beam_gaussian_la093.txt). Various configuration files are provided that you can use to produce matched-filtered maps and catalogs using Nemo - the one that seems to work the best currently uses only three frequencies (93, 145, 225 GHz). You can run this with:

nemo MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small.yml

After this finishes, you will find matched-filtered maps under MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small/filteredMaps/, while MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small/MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small_optimalCatalog.fits contains the candidate cluster catalog. Note that this config file filters the maps at only one scale - you can filter at multiple scales by uncommenting the entries under mapFilters in MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small.yml.

A configuration file is also supplied for running Nemo on the nominal full SO survey footprint, by breaking the map into tiles (see below).

Extracting the survey mass limit

If the calcSelFn parameter set to True in the Nemo configuration file, or if nemo is run using the -S switch, the main nemo script will calculate and output estimates of the 90% mass completeness threshold at some user-set signal-to-noise level (e.g., S/N > 5). You will find various plots related to the survey completeness as a function of redshift under MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small/diagnostics/, including a mass-limit map. These estimates are subject to the assumed scaling relation parameters defined in the configuration file.

If necessary, you can re-run this part using the nemoSelFn script:

nemoSelFn MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small.yml

The limits within the footprints of other surveys that intersect with the filtered maps can be obtained by supplying survey mask files in the selFnFootprints parameter in the configuration file (these are commented out in MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small.yml).

Running Nemo on large maps

To do this, you will first need to output large area CAR maps using (for example) the healpix2CAR.py script with template_AdvACT.txt (just running HEALPIX_TO_CAR.sh will do this). You will then need to use a config file that tells Nemo how to break the map up into tiles, such as the supplied MFMF_SOSims_3freq_tiles.yml. The parameters that control the tiling used can be found at the end of this file. In this case, the automatic tiling algorithm will attempt to make tiles that cover 10 x 5 degrees on the sky, with a 1 degree overlap between the tiles.

The tiling algorithm makes use of a “survey mask”, which defines the region that Nemo will search for clusters (or sources). The script createSurveyMask.py generates the survey mask FITS image, taking as input a DS9 region file containing polygon-shaped regions (see surveyMask.reg), and a plain-text file that defines the image header (template_AdvACT.txt). You can run this with:

python createSurveyMask.py template_AdvACT.txt surveyMask.reg

This writes the output survey mask to surveyMask.fits. You will need this file to run Nemo using the included MFMF_SOSims_3freq_tiles.yml configuration.

You can run Nemo in parallel using, e.g.,

mpiexec -np $NUM_PROCESSES nemo MFMF_SOSim_3freq_tiles.yml -M

replacing $NUM_PROCESSES with the number of cores you want to run on. Nemo will divide up the tiles between processors as evenly as it can. The file slurm_nemo.sh shows how Nemo can be run on a cluster that uses the Slurm job scheduler.

Using the input simulation catalogs

The halo catalog for the WebSky simulations is 33 Gb in size. You can obtain a smaller version (28 Mb; just containing halos more massive than 1014 MSun), using

wget https://acru.ukzn.ac.za/~mjh/halos.fits https://acru.ukzn.ac.za/~mjh/halos.reg

(this fetches a DS9 region file as well). These were produced using readWebSkyInputCatalog.py (which is a modified version of the WebSky readhalos.py script).

The nemoMass script can be used to obtain mass estimates for cluster candidates, but requires a table of redshifts to match against (by object name - at least for the moment). To produce the redshifts.fits catalog referred to by the MFMF_SOSims_3freq_tiles.yml configuration file, you can run this,

python makeRedshiftsCatalog.py MFMF_SOSim_3freq_tiles/MFMF_SOSim_3freq_tiles_optimalCatalog.fits halos.fits

You will then be able to run nemoMass with:

mpiexec -np $NUM_PROCESSES nemoMass MFMF_SOSim_3freq_tiles.yml -M

again, replacing $NUM_PROCESSES with the number of cores you want to run on. The slurm_mass.sh scripts shows to run this using Slurm (this takes less than 3 minutes for a catalog of ~30,000 clusters with the settings given).

Note that the cosmological and scaling relation parameters set in the massOptions section of both of the example configuration files given here (MFMF_SOSim_3freq_tiles.yml and MFMF_SOSim_3freq_small.yml) have been set to approximately reproduce those used in the WebSky simulations.