Configuration File Parameters

This section describes all the options that can be set in the YAML-format configuration file.

Input Maps and Masks


This is a list of dictionaries, each of which contains information about a sky map at a particular observing frequency. All maps given in this list must have the same dimensions and World Coordinate System. Units should be ΔT (μK) with respect to the CMB. Each map dictionary must have the following keys:

mapFileName (str):

The path to a FITS-format map.

weightsFileName (str):

The path to a FITS-format inverse-variance map. This may be set to null if necessary.

obsFreqGHz (float):

The frequency of the map. For cluster searches, this should be the SZ-weighted effective frequency of the passband corresponding to the given map - this value is used to convert from ΔT (μK) to Compton y. For sources, this value is used to convert source amplitudes from ΔT (μK) to flux density (Jy).

units (str):

Map pixel intensity units. At present, only ‘uK’ is accepted, but in principle Nemo could be extended to use maps in surface brightness units (MJy/sr), for example.

beamFileName (str):

Path to a text file containing the beam profile, in the format used by ACT. The beam solid angle must be present in the header of this file, in order for nemo to be able to output source flux densities in Jy. (e.g., the ACT beam profile files contain lines such as # solid angle = 188.17 +/- 4.84 nsr as part of the header).


    - {mapFileName: "maps/Jun2020/act_s08_s18_cmb_f150_daynight_map.fits",
       weightsFileName: "maps/Jun2020/act_s08_s18_cmb_f150_daynight_ivar.fits",
       obsFreqGHz: 149.6, units: 'uK',
       beamFileName: "maps/Jun2020/beams/s16_pa2_f150_nohwp_night_beam_profile_jitter.txt"}
    - {mapFileName: "maps/Jun2020/act_s08_s18_cmb_f090_daynight_map.fits",
       weightsFileName: "maps/Jun2020/act_s08_s18_cmb_f090_daynight_ivar.fits",
       obsFreqGHz: 97.8, units: 'uK',
       beamFileName: "maps/Jun2020/beams/s16_pa3_f090_nohwp_night_beam_profile_jitter.txt"}


This is the path to a FITS format image, with the same dimensions and pixelization as the input map file names (see unfilteredMaps above), with values of 1 taken to indicate valid area, and values of 0 taken to indicate areas that should be ignored. Objects found within pixels with value 0 in this map will not be included in the output catalogs produced by nemo. Maps which are compressed using the PLIO_1 method (as implemented by are supported.


surveyMask: "maps/Jun2020/AdvACTSurveyMask_v7_galLatCut_S18-dust-artifacts-extended-post10mJy.fits"


This is a list, each element of which points to a file containing an object catalog (FITS format is guaranteed to work, but in principle any format that the astropy.table module understands can be used). The catalog should contain object coordinates in decimal degrees in columns named RADeg, decDeg, and either a column specifying the masking radius in arcmin to use (rArcmin), or shape information columns (as produced by running nemo with measureShapes: True set).


    - "PSCatalog_rArcmin/PS_S18_f150_auto_rArcmin.fits"
    - "customPSMask_S18/customPSCatalog_S18.fits"


This is the path to a Nemo object catalog (containing either sources or clusters). If this is given, a model image will be constructed from the catalog on-the-fly when running the nemo command, and subtracted from the maps used to create the noise term in the matched filters. This mitigates potential bias and signal loss from using the map itself to construct the filter noise term.


noiseMaskCatalog: "S18d_202006/S18d_202006_optimalCatalog.fits"


If given, cut all maps and masks to include only this rectangular section. This is specified as a list in the form [RAMin, RAMax, decMin, decMax], with all coordinates in decimal degrees. This option is useful for testing purposes, but it should not be used for maps that are broken into tiles (see Tiling).


RADecSection: [330.0, 355.0, -10.0, 5.0]

Output Options


Output from nemo will be written into this directory. It is not necessary to include this parameter in any config file - by default, nemo will set this to the name of the config file, minus the .yml extension.


outputDir: "nemoOutput"


If True, and nemo is set to break a large map into tiles (see Tiling below), all of the output filtered tile maps will be combined together to make a single, monolithic map. These are placed in the nemoOutput/filteredMaps directory, and have the prefix stitched_.


stitchTiles: True



If True, break the map into tiles according to the settings specified in tileDefinitions.


useTiling: True


This sets how the map is broken into tiles, which is how Nemo handles parallel processing through MPI (dividing the tiles up as equally as possible between processors). There are two ways in which this can be done.

The easiest way to define tiles is using the automatic tiling feature. Here, a mask image must be supplied, and Nemo will use this mask to break maps down into tiles with sizes as close as possible to the user-supplied dimensions. To use this, a dictionary must be given containing the following fields:

mask (str):

The path to a FITS-format mask used to define the area to be tiled. Pixels with value 1 denote valid area, and pixels with value 0 indicate regions that are not of interest. Masks which are compressed using the PLIO_1 method (as implemented by are supported.

targetTileWidth (float):

The desired tile width, specified in degrees. The autotiling algorithm will create tiles with at least this minimum size, but will increase the size of the tiles if needed to ensure that all tiles at some declination have the same width.

targetTileHeight (float):

The desired tile height, specified in degrees. The autotiling algorithm will create tiles with at least this minimum size, but will increase the size of the tiles if needed to ensure that all tiles are the same height.


tileDefinitions: {mask: 'maps/Jun2020/AdvACTSurveyMask_v7_S18.fits',
                  targetTileWidthDeg: 10.0,
                  targetTileHeightDeg: 5.0}

It is also possible to set the tiling explicitly by providing a list of dictionaries, each containing the following keys:

tileName (str):

User-supplied name for the tile. This can be anything, but should be unique to each tile.

RADecSection (list):

This defines the coordinates of the tile, in the order minimum RA, maximum RA, minimum declination, maximum declination (all given in decimal degrees).


    - {'tileName': 'tile_1',
       'RADecSection': [354.8, 6.2, -33.4, -28.1]}
    - {'tileName': 'tile_2',
       'RADecSection': [343.5, 354.8, -33.4, -28.1]}


Tiling in Nemo is handled such that each pixel within a tile is uniquely mapped to a corresponding pixel in the monolithic, input map.


This sets the overlap region (specified in degrees) between tiles, i.e., a buffer zone is added to all of the defined tiles (see tileDefinitions), increasing their width and height by the given amount. This overlap region is accounted for in all processing by Nemo, and is only used to ensure that filtered maps are constructed using valid data all the way to the edge of each tile, without any apodization within the tile area itself.


tileOverlapDeg: 1.0


If given, only the tiles named in this list will be processed. This is particularly useful for testing purposes.


    - '1_10_7'
    - '1_10_8'      # contains J2327 (next to a source)
    - '1_11_7'


To be added - this is only used by the RealSpaceMatchedFilter method.

Object Detection and Photometry


This sets the minimum signal-to-noise (S/N) level for object detection. Only objects with S/N greater than this threshold will be included in the output catalog.


This setting is ignored if running in forced photometry mode (see forcedPhotometryCatalog).


thresholdSigma: 4.0


This sets the number of pixels above thresholdSigma that an object must have in order to be included in the output catalog. Higher values will be less susceptible to spurious noise fluctuations being detected as objects, at the expense of completeness.


This setting is ignored if running in forced photometry mode (see forcedPhotometryCatalog).


minObjPix: 1.0


If True, object properties such as position and amplitude are reported for the center-of-mass of the pixels above thresholdSigma. Otherwise, the maximum pixel value is used.


findCenterOfMass: True


If True, subpixel interpolation will be performed using a bicubic spline. This affects reported source and cluster amplitudes and S/N values.


useInterpolator: True


If set, a border with this width in pixels will be removed from the survey area and the output survey area mask will be adjusted accordingly. This can be used to remove “junk” at map edges, although it is better to supply a surveyMask that makes this unnecessary.


rejectBorder: 0


Identification string that will be used as a prefix for object names reported in the output catalog. The rest of the name strings will be constructed from the object coordinates following the IAU convention, in the format JHHMM.m+/-DDMM, with coordinates being truncated, not rounded.


objIdent: 'ACT-CL'


If True, object names in the output catalog (see objIdent) will follow the format JHHMMSS.s+/-DDMMSS (this may be appropriate for source rather than cluster catalogs).


longNames: False


If True, object shapes are estimated from the 2nd-order moments of the pixels above thresholdSigma, using the method employed by Source Extractor. The shape parameters are recorded in columns with the prefix ellipse_ in the output catalog. The ellipse major and minor axis lengths, position angle, center coordinates, and eccentricty are recorded.

This feature can be used to help identify and mask extended sources in the maps.


All size information is given in pixel units, i.e., there is no correction applied here for distortion due to the map projection. Objects must contain a minimum of 9 pixels with S/N > thresholdSigma in order for their shape measurements to be included in the catalog.


measureShapes: True


If True, Nemo will attempt to identify spurous ring-features in the map that can occur in the vicinity of extremely bright sources (or even clusters in some circumstances). This is done by performing object segmentation down to the level set by ringThresholdSigma, and testing whether the central coordinates of the object are found within significant pixels. If this is not the case, the object is deemed to be a ring-like feature and is excluded from the output catalog.


removeRings: True


This sets the threshold used by the algorithm that finds and excludes spurious ring-like features (see removeRings).


ringThresholdSigma: 3


If True (the default), all signal amplitudes reported in the output catalog will be corrected for the pixel window effect.


undoPixelWindow: True


Path to a file containing an object catalog. If this parameter is set, nemo will perform forced photometry at the object coordinates, rather than detecting objects. The coordinates should be RA and declination in decimal degrees, and contained in columns named ra, RA, or RADeg, and dec, DEC, decDeg, or Dec.


If this mode is used, thresholdSigma and minObjPix will be ignored.


Forced photometry can be performed by both nemo and nemoMass (see Forced photometry).


forcedPhotometryCatalog: "redMaPPer.fits"


If True, the twoPass source detection pipeline is used. This runs an initial search for extremely bright sources in the first pass using a simple noise model, so that these sources can be subtracted when using the map itself as the filter noise model in the second pass. This allows source catalogs to be constructed from the maps with zero (or very little) masking.


At present, this method works only for detecting sources, and not clusters. An equivalent cluster pipeline can be constructed by using two nemo runs, using the output of the first run as noiseMaskCatalog in the second run).


twoPass: False


A list of constraints that can be used to filter output catalogs, where each item is a string of the form “key < value”, “key > value”, etc., and “key” can be any column name in the output catalog. Note that the spaces between the key, operator (e.g. ‘<’), and value are essential.


catalogCuts: ['fluxJy > 0.01']



This is a list of dictionaries, each of which contains the settings for a filter that will be constructed and run over the maps listed in unfilteredMaps. Each dictionary has the following keys:

label (str):

This is a user-defined label (which can be anything, but avoid using non-alphanumeric characters such as # or .) that will be used as a component in the filenames of output filtered maps, and will appear in the template column of output catalogs.

class (str):

The name of the filter class to use. The options are:

  • BeamMatchedFilter

  • BeamRealSpaceMatchedFilter

  • ArnaudModelMatchedFilter

  • ArnaudModelRealSpaceMatchedFilter

  • BattagliaModelMatchedFilter

  • BattagliaModelRealSpaceMatchedFilter

As reflected in the names above, there are two broad classes of filters, and three classes of signal templates that are currently supported.

The MatchedFilter class is a Fourier-space implementation and supports multi-frequency filtering (see, e.g., Williamson et al. 2011; the specific implementation used in Nemo is described in Hilton et al. 2021). This is done automatically if maps with multiple frequencies are listed in unfilteredMaps. To see an example of a cluster search using this method, see Quickstart: Finding Sources and Clusters or Tutorial: Re-creating the ACT DR5 Cluster Catalog.

The RealSpaceMatchedFilter class is described in Hilton et al. (2018). Briefly, this uses a small section of the map to construct a filter kernel that is applied in real space. To see an example of a cluster search using this method, see the Tutorial: Cluster Finding in the ACTPol E-D56 Field (ACT DR3).

Point sources should be searched for by using the Beam signal template, while for clusters the ArnaudModel signal template is used. The latter implements the generalised Navarro-Frenk-White (GNFW) profile, by default with the parameters given in Arnaud et al. (2010). See Hasselfield et al. 2013 for details of the specific implementation used in Nemo. The GNFW parameters can optionally be set by the user (see GNFWParams).

params (dict):

A dictionary that sets the filter parameters - see params below.


    - {label: "Beam",
       class: "BeamMatchedFilter",
       params: {noiseParams: {method: "dataMap",
                              noiseGridArcmin: 40.0,
                              numNoiseBins: 8},
                saveFilteredMaps: True,
                outputUnits: 'uK',
                edgeTrimArcmin: 0.0}}


This is a dictionary within each mapFilters definition with the following keys:

noiseParams (dict):

A dictionary that sets the noise model used by the filter - see noiseParams below.

saveFilteredMaps (bool):

If True, writes the filtered map to disk.

saveRMSMap (bool):

If True, write the noise map to disk. In this case it will be stored in the nemoOutput/selFn directory.

savePlots (bool):

If True, writes various plots (e.g., the filter profile in real space) to the nemoOutput/diagnostics directory.

saveDS9Regions (bool):

If True, save a DS9 region file for the catalog constructed from this specific filtered map. This will be written to the nemoOutput/filteredMaps directory. Note that a DS9 region file for the “optimal” catalog, i.e., the merged catalog constructed from all filtered maps, will always be made, and is written to the nemoOutput directory.

outputUnits (str):

This should be ‘uK’ when producing source catalogs (flux densities in Jy will also be written to the output catalog, if the beam solid angle is known), and ‘yc’ for cluster catalogs.

edgeTrimArcmin (float):

If given, the edges of the filtered map will be trimmed by the given amount, and the output survey area mask will be adjusted accordingly. This is sometimes useful to cut down on “junk” in extremely noisy regions at map edgeds. It is generally better to design the input surveyMask such that this is unnecessary and to set edgeTrimArcmin to 0.


This is a dictionary within each filter params dictionary that sets options related to the filter noise model.

method (str):

Currently, two methods may be used to set the noise term in the matched filter:

dataMap: The map itself is used as the noise term in the matched filter. This will capture all noise sources and automatically account for anisotropy in the noise, but may lead to a small amount of bias in recovered source properties. This can be mitigated by running a multi-pass pipeline (see twoPass).

model: A simple CMB + white noise model is used as the noise term in the matched filter.

noiseGridArcmin (float):

Sets the size of the cells (in arcmin) in which the noise level is estimated in the filtered maps.

numNoiseBins (int):

The number of noise bins per cell (default: 1) in which the noise level is estimated in the filtered maps (see noiseGridArcmin). The binning is done according to the values in the weight map (see unfilteredMaps). Setting numNoiseBins: 8 should be enough to remove artifacts that otherwise may occur where there are sudden changes in the map depth.

RMSEstimator (str):

The method used to estimate the noise in cells (see noiseGridArcmin). If this is not given, the default 3σ clipping is used. Other options are biweight (uses a biweight scale estimate of the noise) or percentile (uses the 68.3 percentile as the noise estimate).


Additional options used by the RealSpaceMatchedFilter method are not yet documented here. For now, please refer to the config file used in Tutorial: Cluster Finding in the ACTPol E-D56 Field (ACT DR3).


This is a dictionary that contains filter settings that will be applied to all the entries listed in mapFilters. This allows one to define common settings in allFilters, and then only list parameters that change between filters in mapFilters. This makes the config file more compact and readable, and is especially useful for defining different filters to be used in a cluster search.


allFilters: {class: "ArnaudModelMatchedFilter",
             params: {noiseParams: {method: "dataMap",
                                    noiseGridArcmin: 40.},
                      saveFilteredMaps: False,
                      saveRMSMap: False,
                      savePlots: False,
                      saveDS9Regions: False,
                      outputUnits: 'yc',
                      edgeTrimArcmin: 0.0}}
    - {label: "Arnaud_M2e14_z0p2",
       params: {M500MSun: 2.0e+14, z: 0.2}}
    - {label: "Arnaud_M2e14_z0p4",
       params: {M500MSun: 2.0e+14, z: 0.4,
                saveFilteredMaps: True,
                savePlots: True}}
    - {label: "Arnaud_M2e14_z0p8",
       params: {M500MSun: 2.0e+14, z: 0.8}}
    - {label: "Arnaud_M2e14_z1p2",
       params: {M500MSun: 2.0e+14, z: 1.2}}


If given, these set the shape of the GNFW profile (see Nagai et al. 2007) used in cluster searches. This is a dictionary with the following keys (see Section 5 of Arnaud et al. 2010 for more information - we follow their notation):

P0 (float):

Central pressure.

c500 (float):

Concentration parameter, equal to R500 / rs, where rs is the scale radius.

gamma (float):

Central slope parameter.

alpha (float):

Intermediate slope parameter.

beta (float):

Outer slope parameter.


If GNFWParams is not given in the config file, the parameters for the Universal Pressure Profile (UPP) described by Arnaud et al. (2010) are used.


# Planck Pressure Profile
GNFWParams: {P0: 6.41, c500: 1.81, gamma: 0.31, alpha: 1.33, beta: 4.13}

Cluster Mass Estimates


Sets the reference filter used for inferring mass estimates, which relies on the calculation of the filter mismatch function, referred to as Q in Hasselfield et al. 2013 (see fitQ below). This is a string that must match the label of a filter specified in the mapFilters list.


photFilter: 'Arnaud_M2e14_z0p4'


If True (the default), calculate the filter mismatch function, referred to as Q in the ACT cluster papers (e.g., Hasselfield et al. 2013). The result of this calculation is stored in the nemoOutput/selFn directory, and is used by the nemoMass command.


fitQ: False


This is a dictionary that specifies the relationship between cluster mass and the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich signal, used when inferring mass estimates (refer to Section 2.3 of Hilton et al. 2021 for details). It has the following keys:

tenToA0 (float):

Normalization of the scaling relation (i.e., the SZ signal expected for a cluster with mass Mpivot).

B0 (float):

Deviation of the slope from unity (i.e., the actual slope is specified as 1 + B0).

Mpivot (float):

The pivot mass corresponding to tenToA0.

sigma_int (float):

Log-normal intrinsic scatter.

relativisticCorrection (bool):

If True, apply relativistic corrections to the output masses. This uses the formulae of Itoh et al. (1998), and assumes the Arnaud et al. (2005) mass–temperature relation.

rescaleFactor (float):

If given, outputs masses that have been simply rescaled by this factor (these are found in the M500cCal columns output by nemoMass).

rescaleFactorErr (float):

The uncertainty in rescaleFactor, which will be taken into account in the error bars reported for M500cCal by nemoMass.


You can also set the cosmological parameters in the massOptions dictionary. The parameters that are understood are H0, Om0, Ob0, sigma8, and ns (flat cosmologies only).


In a future version, massOptions will be revised to accept a list, allowing the user to specify various different mass definitions to be output by nemoMass.


massOptions: {tenToA0: 4.95e-5,
              B0: 0.08,
              Mpivot: 3.0e+14,
              sigma_int: 0.2,
              relativisticCorrection: True,
              rescaleFactor: 0.71,
              rescaleFactorErr: 0.07,
              redshiftCatalog: "S18Clusters/AdvACT_confirmed.fits"}

Selection Function


If True, produce the files needed to estimate the mass completeness of a cluster search. These are written into the nemoOutput/selFn directory.


calcSelFn: True


A dictionary containing settings for cluster mass completeness estimates. It has the following keys:

fixedSNRCut (float):

The fixed_SNR threshold for which mass completeness statistics will be reported (fixed_SNR is the S/N at the reference filter scale, chosen using photFilter).

method (str):

The method used for estimating completeness. The options are fast or montecarlo.

numIterations (int):

The number of iterations used by the montecarlo method for estimating completeness.

massLimitMaps (list):

A list of dictionaries, specifying the mass limit maps to output. At the moment, the only key read from each dictionary is the redshift for each mass limit map, z (see the example below).


selFnOptions: {fixedSNRCut: 5.0,
               method: 'montecarlo',
               numIterations: 1000,
               massLimitMaps: [{z: 0.5}]}


A list of dictionaries, each of which defines a survey footprint in which mass completeness statistics will be estimated. Each dictionary has the following keys:

label (str):

User-defined label for this footprint. This can be anything, but may be, e.g., the name of an overlapping optical survey.

maskList (list):

A list of paths to FITS format images that contain mask images, with values of 1 taken to indicate valid area, and values of 0 taken to indicate areas that should be ignored. The mask images need not have the same pixelization as the maps in the unfilteredMaps list - they just need to have a valid WCS and will be resampled accordingly. Maps which are compressed using the PLIO_1 method (as implemented by are supported. If multiple masks are given, they will be combined and treated as one footprint area when completeness statistics are reported.


    - {label: "HSC",
       maskList: ["HSCCheckAndSelFn/s19a_fdfc_CAR_contarea_ziy-gt-5.fits"]}
    - {label: "KiDS",
       maskList: ["KiDSSelFn/mask_KiDSN.fits", "KiDSSelFn/mask_KiDSS.fits"]}
    - {label: "DES",
       maskList: ["DESY3/AdvACT_y3a2_footprint_griz_1exp_v2.0.fits"]}

Mock Catalogs


If present in the config file, this sets the number of mocks made by the nemoMock command.


The number of mock catalogs to be generated can also be set from a nemoMock command line switch.


makeMockCatalogs: 5


If True, apply scatter due to map noise to the SZ signals in the mock catalog.


applyNoiseScatter: True


If True, apply Poisson scatter to the number of clusters drawn from the halo mass function, when generating a mock catalog.


applyPoissonScatter: True


If True, apply log-normal intrinsic scatter (set by sigma_int in the massOptions dictionary) to the SZ signals in the mock catalog.


applyIntrinsicScatter: True

Source Injection Simulations


If True, nemo will perform a source injection test, which is useful for testing position and flux recovery. This can be done for both clusters and sources. The results will be written to a FITS-table format catalog at nemoOutput/diagnostics/sourceInjectionData.fits. At the moment, source amplitudes, listed in the inFlux and outFlux columns, are deltaT_c (μK CMB) for sources and fixed_y_c (10-4) for clusters.


A source injection test can also be set to run by using the nemo -I switch.


sourceInjectionTest: True


The number of times the sourceInjectionTest will be repeated. The results from all runs will be concatenated.


sourceInjectionIterations: 200


The maximum number of sources that nemo will try to insert into each tile in each iteration of a sourceInjectionTest. Sources are inserted at random locations, but no source may be inserted within 20 arcmin of another (this is done to avoid confusion by spurious cross matches).


sourcesPerTile: 50


Sets the minimum and maximum of the range of injected source or cluster model amplitudes. For sources, the amplitudes are specified as ΔT (μK), while for clusters the amplitudes are specified in terms of the central Comptonization parameter, y0.


sourceInjectionAmplitudeRange: [1, 1000]


For cluster injection tests. This is a list that specifies the shapes of clusters to be inserted, with each run inserting cluster signals of random amplitude but the same profile. The Arnaud et al. (2010) universal pressure profile (UPP) is assumed, following the implementation described in Hasselfield et al. (2013). Each entry in the list is a dictionary with the following keys, which set the scale of the cluster signal:

redshift (float):

Redshift of the UPP-model cluster to be inserted.

M500 (float):

Mass (M500c), in units of solar mass, of the UPP-model cluster to be inserted.


    - {redshift: 0.8, M500: 2.0e+14}
    - {redshift: 0.4, M500: 2.0e+14}
    - {redshift: 0.2, M500: 2.0e+14}
    - {redshift: 0.1, M500: 2.0e+14}